
Entity Definition

Logical Name : RewardDerivationRule
Physical Name : RU_RWD_DRVN_RU

A rule that defines how a reward value is determined when a sale return item in a transaction (or the customer's account, line item subtotal or transaction level property) is eligible for the reward. Reward: 33% promotion of XYZ branded sweaters (Class 323) Eligibility: Buy one or more XYZ brand AND Class 323 (sweaters) Reward Attribution: Get an immediate 33% discount off of the item or items meeting the eligibility requirements. For a transaction with one XYZ brand sweater that has a regular price of 59.99 it means a $19.80 discount generated as a RetailPriceModifier. For a transaction with two XYX brand sweaters it means two discounts (one for each sweater) for a total of 119.98 less 39.59 discount (implemented as two RetailPriceModifiers.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
RewardID (FK)(PK) A token identifier for a Reward instance. ID_RWD Identity integer Reward(TR_RWD)
RewardDerivationSequenceNumber (PK) A sequence number used to specify the order for applying derivation rules tied to a Reward. RewardDerivationSequenceNumber always starts with 1 and is incremented by 1 for each appended derivation step tied to the Reward. AI_RWD_DRVN_SQN_NMB LineNumber integer
MinimumQuantity The minimum quantity of a reward item required to trigger this RewardDerivationRule. A value of 0 puts no lower bound on the minimum value. The default value for this attribute is 1. Buy 5 or more SKU 32343's and get a 6th for free. 5 is the minimum quantity of SKU 32343 units that must be purchased to trigger a 6th free item (17% discount). This only applies to INSTANT rewards not DEFERRABLE rewards. QU_MNM_QTY Quantity DECIMAL(9,3)
MaximumQuantity The maximum quantity of a reward item that will result in the application of this RewardDerivationRule. A quantity higher than this value will not apply the rule. Example Buy 1 to 5 SKU 2312 and get a 5% discount. If the customer purchases a 6th SKU 2312 they will pay the full retail price since it exceeds the MaximumQuantity. QU_MXM_QTY Quantity DECIMAL(9,3)
RewardDerivationActionCode RewardTransactionLevelActionCode Determines how a Reward is applied to a transaction, a transaction line item or a customer account. This code is related to the RewardDispositionCode. Within the scope of a Reward, the action code applies to the entire RetailTransaction. Within the scope of a RewardDerivationRule, the action code applies to one or a designated group of RetailTransactionLineItem instances within a RetailTransaction � but not the transaction as a whole. VALID VALUES: NEW_PRICE - base retail price is replaced by the RewardAmount value PCT_OFF - base retail price is reduced by the RewardAmount value which is a PERCENT AMT_OFF - base retail price is reduced by the RewardAmount which is a flat monetary value. EARN_REWARD_CURRENCY - Points, miles,or another retailer designated reward currency units are added to a customer account (note only applies if the customer has an account). REDEEM_REWARD_CURRENCY - Transforms the earned reward currency for the current transaction and, at the customers option, previously accrued reward currency balance into a discount that can be taken at a transaction or line item level CD_RWD_ACTN Code varchar(20)
MinimumItemTotalAmount The minimum subtotal monetary value of sale return items matching this rule to trigger the reward derivation rule. Example: Buy $100 or more from DEPT 242 and get a 20% discount on those items. The $100 is the MininumItemTotalAmount which is required to trigger the 20% instant reward. MO_MNM_ITM_TOT_AMT Money money
RewardDerivationArgumentValue The reward value (a monetary amount or percent) applied to a base retail to arrive at the value of the reward. MO_RWD_ACTN_ARGMNT_VL Money money
RewardArgumentQuantity Specifies the total number of items that a RewardActionCode applies to. This number is part of the condition required to fire a given rule. Example If item A can be purchased 3 units for $10, the RewardActuionArgumentValue will be $10 and the RewardArgumentQuantity is 3. In this scenario the actual retail price is 3.34 for the first item, 3.33 for the second and third item A's In a scenario where Item A can be purchased as 3 units for $10 each, the RewardArgumentQuantity is 1. The total prices for three Item A's is $30. QU_RWD_ARGMNT_QTY Quantity DECIMAL(9,3)
ItemLevelExclusivityFlag When this flag is TRUE, a deal has item matching rules which once applied (i.e. matched to a sale return item) cannot be used on any subsequent sale return line item in the transaction. It is a "use it once" rule. Example: We have two RewardDerivation rules (with attendant eligibility rules). They each have their ItemLevelExclusivityFlag values set to TRUE. Only one of the two rules may be used in a transaction Buy SKU 3879 and get a SKU 3879A attachment for free (limit 1 per customer) Buy SKU 3879 or SKU 4736 and take 50% off anything in Dept 232. In this example the firing of the first rule for SKU 3879 is exclusive and prevents the firing of the second rule. FL_ITM_LV_EXCLSVTY Flag integer
CustomerAccountValuationUnitTypeCode (FK) A code that identifies a kind of valuation unit. Examples include: MONEY POINTS MILES GALLONS VISITS others that are relevant to a retailer CD_CT_ACNT_VLN_UN_TYP Code varchar(20) CustomerAccountValuationUnitType(CO_CT_ACNT_VLN_UN_TYP)
RewardDerivationLevelCode A code that determines the scope of coverage for a given reward derivation where scope designates one of three levels: LINE_ITEM, TRANSACTION or ACCOUNT. This is different from the Reward.RewardAttributionLevelCode which determines the final reward output level where it is used and consumed. The RewardDerivationLevelCode identifies the level of information used as input to the calculation of a reward value. It is common to have different Reward.RewardAttributionLevelCode values and RewardDerivationLevelCode values. For example, a specific item SKU value may specifiy a 50 point bouns (a LINE_ITEM RewardDerivationCode) that will end up being added to a customer account balance (an ACCOUNT Reward.RewardAttributionLevelCode). Retailers routinely define derivation and eligibility rules at different levels from the reward attribution level. This is why ARTS carries two different kinds of reward level codes - one for derivation of the reward value and a separate one that tells what level that value applies to. The enumerated values that level code attributes may assume are the same set: LINE_ITEM, TRANSACTION and ACCOUNT. Valid values (from narrowest to widest scope): LINE_ITEM - reward derivation value is calculated based on the properties of a single SaleReturnLineItem. This includes item ID, item merchandise hierarchy (classification), item pre-reward retail value, item pre-reward cost value, brand and other attributes of a specific RetailTransactionLineItem. TRANSACTION - reward derivation value is calculated based on a property of the RetailTransaction. This may apply to channel (where an item is purchased), transaction subtotal (usually the total retail value of a retail transaction minus previously applied line item discounts), time of day, ACCOUNT - reward, when calculated is added to or subtracted from a customer account depending on the RewardDispositionCode. A RewardDispositionCode of 'INSTANT' means a reward is to be earned and redeemed in the current transaction and becomes a discount. A RewardDispositionCode of 'DEFERRABLE' means the reward may be added to a customer account balance for future redemption - and that makes it a CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT reward derivation level. CD_RWD_DRVN_LV_CD Code varchar(20)
MinMaxUnitTypeCode A code that determines what kind of value the MinValue and MaxValue is quantifying. Valid values are: RTL_SL_UNIT - min or max retail selling units MONETARY - min or max monetary amount RWD_CURRENCY - min or max value refers to points, miles, meals or some other reward currency that is different from retail selling units and monetary value. CD_MNM_MXM_TYP Code varchar(20)
RewardDerivationRuleEligibilityID (FK) A unique identifier for a Reward Derivation Rule Eligibility. ID_EL_PRDV Identity integer RewardEligibilityRule(CO_EL_PRDV)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
RewardEligibilityRule defines conditions for application of RewardDerivationRule
CustomerAccountValuationUnitType defines valuation units for RewardDerivationRule
Reward derived by RewardDerivationRule
RewardDerivationRule defines derivation of CustomerRewardLineItem
RewardDerivationRule is applied through RetailPriceModifier
RewardDerivationRule ZRewardFieldTestRule_ELIGIBILITY
RewardDerivationRule RewardDerivationRuleMaintenance

Logical Views containing RewardDerivationRule

Logical View
Logical 01400 - Item Rewards Derivation - Transaction Level
Logical 04100 - Financial Ledger - Retail Transaction View